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Newcastle United takeover update report – Nobody has made a bid (How would they know…?)

via NUFC The Mag https://ift.tt/39TnyPz st james park

It is now 26 days since The Wall Street Journal set in motion the latest (annual) Newcastle United Takeover frenzy.

The respected business newspaper saying that talks/negotiations had been going on for a considerable time and that the proposed deal was financed by money from Saudi Arabia.

With this being a Newcastle United Takeover story, none of us are then surprised that we have then seen every possible side story ran by the media since the original news, ranging from human rights abuses through to a Kim Kardashian angle.

Once the original story came out from The Wall Street Journal, embarrassingly the vast majority of the usual suspects covering Newcastle United, rushed to say that they had already known all about this potential Saudi Arabian takeover.

As to why none of them had chosen to run this exclusive themselves that they had ‘totally known about…’ wasn’t so clear.

This past month, Newcastle fans have been confronted by the NUFC media doing their normal thing.

Some running stories saying that there has been progress and the Newcastle United Takeover is moving closer, whilst then others saying no progress.

In this day and age of newspapers facing rapidly disappearing newspaper (paper) sales, they have to say something to get clicks online, they can’t not run a story, even if they know nothing.

Hence, they have an angle claiming they know something is happening and progress has been made OR they know nothing is happening.

As that TV programme used to say ‘The Truth is out there’…but for Newcastle fans, finding that golden nugget of the journalist/newspaper that does ‘know’ the truth is illusive.

Well what we can say is that The Wall Street Journal had the truth with their original story because once they published it, all of the NUFC media in the UK confirmed that at least the basics of the Saudi financed bid were on the ball, unless they were all lying about already knowing something about it.

Now 26 days on from the original breaking news, this is where we are now at with a Newcastle United Takeover, according to this Chronicle report by Lee Ryder:

“The takeover is an ongoing saga and none of the interested parties who have held discussions are yet to table a concrete bid.

“Of course, the proposition is the thing that has been on the table but until Ashley sees a convincing plan going forward it’s as we were I’m afraid.

“It’s the lack of bid that is holding it up.”

So, what can we make of this update?

Well, I think the story has come from one of two places, either totally made up by the journalist/newspaper, or they have been told this by somebody and are reporting what they have been told.

I believe the latter, the Chronicle are telling us what they have been told.

What is important for me, is who has told them?

Well, the key thing here is that the report says ‘none of the interested parties’ has so far made a bid (Since TWSJ published the original news of the Saudi bid, the media have all reported that there are a number of other parties also bidding for the club and have been/are in talks).

I doubt whether any of the usual NUFC media have any inside track to the Saudi bid and where they are/aren’t at the minute with their takeover moves, they certainly don’t have an inside track on where ALL of the alleged parties bidding are with their plans and whether or not they have made a bid for Newcastle United.

Which means?

The Chronicle information/update must come from Mike Ashley and his people (which is where (Mike Ashley) the vast majority of Newcastle fans think pretty much all the takeover updates come from, the owner’s PR department).

So for me, this story equates to Mike Ashley/his people saying that no bid has been made by anybody and it is they (potential/interested bidders) who are to blame for no progress on a Newcastle United Takeover, indeed the report/update adds: ‘It’s the lack of bid that is holding it up.’

Next question then, do you trust what Mike Ashley says?

I am always amazed at how many Newcastle fans say how they trust nothing Mike Ashley tells them BUT then are more than ready to believe that the problem with the club not getting  bought/sold, is because nobody is prepared to make a credible bid. Quite astonishing.

How anybody believes that after Mike Ashley said 12 years ago that he promised to sell the club ASAP, that the problem is no willing buyer, is quite mind blowing.

I think that down the years there have been numerous credible people (not necessarily the names that get put in the media) wanting to buy Newcastle United and willing to pay a credible price BUT Mike Ashley has refused to sell.

I don’t believe anything put out there by Mike Ashley now, or ever, via friendly media or otherwise.

If a sale of Newcastle United doesn’t happen in 2020, it will be because Mike Ashley is refusing to sell, no other reason. From 2008 onwards, the vast majority of top English clubs have been bought and sold, some of them a number of times.

Newcastle United are no different to these clubs, apart from of course the identity of the owner…

The post Newcastle United takeover update report – Nobody has made a bid (How would they know…?) appeared first on NUFC The Mag.

https://ift.tt/2AynOFS st james park

It is now 26 days since The Wall Street Journal set in motion the latest (annual) Newcastle United Takeover frenzy.

The respected business newspaper saying that talks/negotiations had been going on for a considerable time and that the proposed deal was financed by money from Saudi Arabia.

With this being a Newcastle United Takeover story, none of us are then surprised that we have then seen every possible side story ran by the media since the original news, ranging from human rights abuses through to a Kim Kardashian angle.

Once the original story came out from The Wall Street Journal, embarrassingly the vast majority of the usual suspects covering Newcastle United, rushed to say that they had already known all about this potential Saudi Arabian takeover.

As to why none of them had chosen to run this exclusive themselves that they had ‘totally known about…’ wasn’t so clear.

This past month, Newcastle fans have been confronted by the NUFC media doing their normal thing.

Some running stories saying that there has been progress and the Newcastle United Takeover is moving closer, whilst then others saying no progress.

In this day and age of newspapers facing rapidly disappearing newspaper (paper) sales, they have to say something to get clicks online, they can’t not run a story, even if they know nothing.

Hence, they have an angle claiming they know something is happening and progress has been made OR they know nothing is happening.

As that TV programme used to say ‘The Truth is out there’…but for Newcastle fans, finding that golden nugget of the journalist/newspaper that does ‘know’ the truth is illusive.

Well what we can say is that The Wall Street Journal had the truth with their original story because once they published it, all of the NUFC media in the UK confirmed that at least the basics of the Saudi financed bid were on the ball, unless they were all lying about already knowing something about it.

Now 26 days on from the original breaking news, this is where we are now at with a Newcastle United Takeover, according to this Chronicle report by Lee Ryder:

“The takeover is an ongoing saga and none of the interested parties who have held discussions are yet to table a concrete bid.

“Of course, the proposition is the thing that has been on the table but until Ashley sees a convincing plan going forward it’s as we were I’m afraid.

“It’s the lack of bid that is holding it up.”

So, what can we make of this update?

Well, I think the story has come from one of two places, either totally made up by the journalist/newspaper, or they have been told this by somebody and are reporting what they have been told.

I believe the latter, the Chronicle are telling us what they have been told.

What is important for me, is who has told them?

Well, the key thing here is that the report says ‘none of the interested parties’ has so far made a bid (Since TWSJ published the original news of the Saudi bid, the media have all reported that there are a number of other parties also bidding for the club and have been/are in talks).

I doubt whether any of the usual NUFC media have any inside track to the Saudi bid and where they are/aren’t at the minute with their takeover moves, they certainly don’t have an inside track on where ALL of the alleged parties bidding are with their plans and whether or not they have made a bid for Newcastle United.

Which means?

The Chronicle information/update must come from Mike Ashley and his people (which is where (Mike Ashley) the vast majority of Newcastle fans think pretty much all the takeover updates come from, the owner’s PR department).

So for me, this story equates to Mike Ashley/his people saying that no bid has been made by anybody and it is they (potential/interested bidders) who are to blame for no progress on a Newcastle United Takeover, indeed the report/update adds: ‘It’s the lack of bid that is holding it up.’

Next question then, do you trust what Mike Ashley says?

I am always amazed at how many Newcastle fans say how they trust nothing Mike Ashley tells them BUT then are more than ready to believe that the problem with the club not getting  bought/sold, is because nobody is prepared to make a credible bid. Quite astonishing.

How anybody believes that after Mike Ashley said 12 years ago that he promised to sell the club ASAP, that the problem is no willing buyer, is quite mind blowing.

I think that down the years there have been numerous credible people (not necessarily the names that get put in the media) wanting to buy Newcastle United and willing to pay a credible price BUT Mike Ashley has refused to sell.

I don’t believe anything put out there by Mike Ashley now, or ever, via friendly media or otherwise.

If a sale of Newcastle United doesn’t happen in 2020, it will be because Mike Ashley is refusing to sell, no other reason. From 2008 onwards, the vast majority of top English clubs have been bought and sold, some of them a number of times.

Newcastle United are no different to these clubs, apart from of course the identity of the owner…

The post Newcastle United takeover update report – Nobody has made a bid (How would they know…?) appeared first on NUFC The Mag.

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