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Newcastle United takeover – What are the Premier League doing and who are they answerable to?

via NUFC The Mag https://ift.tt/31s4HKw Premier League Ball

It seems that these days every organisation is answerable to some watchdog but in the case of the Premier League and this Newcastle United takeover, they seem like a law unto themselves.

Let’s get some of the old ground out of the way.

Potential reasons why the Owners and Directors Test is taking so long.

I’ve mentioned before about playing for time, hoping that buyers or sellers lose patience, the Government intervene, or new evidence becomes available to give a watertight case to disallow.

At present, my feeling is that they are building up a negative case.

A positive outcome wouldn’t take this long.

I’ve maintained all along that they are not using the test as its meant to be used and morality is getting in the way of straight facts.

I honestly think, morally wrong or not, the test should have been passed.

Waiting for retrospective evidence in a free for all to derail the usual process, is not what the factual test is about. Legal evidence is the key.

I thought that the World Trade Organisation report may have provided some factual bombshells but it didn’t.

So onto what I think the Premier League are doing and what the watchdog should be stopping.

1. Building up damning evidence.

2. Using the process as a bargaining tool to drive down piracy.

3. Encouraging a negative free for all.

4. Sitting on the fence awaiting an outside intervention.

5. Abusing the meaning of the test.

6. Getting mixed up between legal evidence, facts and morality.

7. Getting stuck between damned if we do and damned if we don’t.

8. Acting unprofessionally and indecisively.

Would this happen to a top six club?

Maybe the Government should step in after all. They could explain the difference between morals, commerce and reality.

So the question remains, what are the Premier League doing with the Newcastle United takeover and who are they answerable to?

The post Newcastle United takeover – What are the Premier League doing and who are they answerable to? appeared first on NUFC The Mag.

https://ift.tt/2AynOFS Premier League Ball

It seems that these days every organisation is answerable to some watchdog but in the case of the Premier League and this Newcastle United takeover, they seem like a law unto themselves.

Let’s get some of the old ground out of the way.

Potential reasons why the Owners and Directors Test is taking so long.

I’ve mentioned before about playing for time, hoping that buyers or sellers lose patience, the Government intervene, or new evidence becomes available to give a watertight case to disallow.

At present, my feeling is that they are building up a negative case.

A positive outcome wouldn’t take this long.

I’ve maintained all along that they are not using the test as its meant to be used and morality is getting in the way of straight facts.

I honestly think, morally wrong or not, the test should have been passed.

Waiting for retrospective evidence in a free for all to derail the usual process, is not what the factual test is about. Legal evidence is the key.

I thought that the World Trade Organisation report may have provided some factual bombshells but it didn’t.

So onto what I think the Premier League are doing and what the watchdog should be stopping.

1. Building up damning evidence.

2. Using the process as a bargaining tool to drive down piracy.

3. Encouraging a negative free for all.

4. Sitting on the fence awaiting an outside intervention.

5. Abusing the meaning of the test.

6. Getting mixed up between legal evidence, facts and morality.

7. Getting stuck between damned if we do and damned if we don’t.

8. Acting unprofessionally and indecisively.

Would this happen to a top six club?

Maybe the Government should step in after all. They could explain the difference between morals, commerce and reality.

So the question remains, what are the Premier League doing with the Newcastle United takeover and who are they answerable to?

The post Newcastle United takeover – What are the Premier League doing and who are they answerable to? appeared first on NUFC The Mag.

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